Whitehorse Supporting Local Map

Support local businesses and our local economy.

Council’s Whitehorse Supporting Local Map shows our community which businesses are still operating and details of their current offerings during the COVID-19 pandemic. Keep your eye on the map as we add more business details.

The Whitehorse Supporting Local Map uses listings already on Google Maps, and displays extra information provide by the businesses about current offers, changed arrangements or current opening hours. 

Businesses located in Whitehorse are invited to submit relevant information to be added to the Whitehorse Supporting Local Map. Submit your details now using the online form below.

Your business must be listed on Google Maps to be added to the Whitehorse Supporting Local Map. Find out how to add or edit your business details on Google Maps.

For further information email business@whitehorse.vic.gov.au or phone 9262 6333.

Please note: All information on the map is provided by the nominated business via the submission form. Updates in relation to open times, business status or business offering are not updated by Whitehorse City Council unless notified by the business owner. The information may edited at the editors discretion to ensure that the style is consistent throughout the map.

Submit your business details

Business Details
What would you like to do?

Your business needs to be listed on Google Maps to be added to the Whitehorse Open for Business map.

Select the checkbox to confirm this is a valid submission.
map of Whitehorse

Find businesses open in Whitehorse and learn about their current services and offerings. 

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