Parking Signs and Road Rules

Parking rules are supported by a range of common parking signs that tell drivers where they can and cannot park. Parking signs are regulatory signs. It is an offence not to follow parking sign restrictions and drivers may receive a fine/infringement if they breach the restrictions.

Following parking signs and parking rules make roads safer, give drivers fair access to parking spaces and makes it easier for the community to access services.

A parking sign with any day of the week written on it (for example, 'Mon–Fri' or 'Sat' or 'Sun')  does not apply on a public holiday. This includes:

  • green signs
  • red signs
  • disability parking signs 
  • Loading Zone signs
  • Clearway signs and 
  • No Stopping signs 

If the sign has a day of the week on it, the time restrictions and any fee requirements don't apply on a public holiday. 

Changes to clearways and tow-away zones

From 1 December 2020, all existing clearways on major roads within 20-kilometres of Melbourne’s CBD will be made tow-away zones.