The Vision for Box Hill

Box Hill is designated as a Metropolitan Activity Centre (MAC) under current state policy 'Plan Melbourne' and is to be the focus of substantial development, growth and investment.

The Box Hill Transit City Activity Centre Structure Plan (the Structure Plan) is the current guiding document for Council, stakeholders and the community.  The structure Plan needs to be updated to coordinate development and enhancement of the centre into the future.

The Structure Plan ( PDF 5.57MB) was originally adopted by Council at its meeting on 18 June 2007. The Structure Plan was finalised after review of community feedback received during display of the Draft Plan during November/December 2006.

Since the Structure Plan was developed, significant land use, growth and demographic change has occurred in Box Hill which means it is time to review and update the Structure Plan to ensure it remains current and relevant. 

A project to review the vision and strategic direction for the Box Hill MAC commenced in December 2018 and has now culminated in the preparation of a revised Structure Plan, new Urban Design Framework and draft planning scheme controls.

At the Council Meeting on 25 May 2020, Council resolved to seek authorisation from the Minister for Planning to prepare an amendment to the Whitehorse Planning Scheme to implement a revised Structure Plan and new Urban Design Framework for the Box Hill Metropolitan Activity Centre. This included updating planning controls for the centre.

The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) reviewed the draft documents and provided comprehensive pre-authorisation feedback on the controls and background documents.

After reviewing this feedback, the proposed controls, the revised Structure Plan and new Urban Design Framework were updated. At its meeting on 22 November 2021 Council resolved to seek authorisation from the Minister for Planning on the updated documents. Draft documents discussed at the Council meeting on 22 November 2021 can be viewed below.

The request for authorisation of Amendment C228 - An updated Structure Plan for Box Hill - was submitted on 26 November 2021. Under delegation of the Minister, DELWP advised on the 19 September 2022 that it would not authorise Amendment C228. DELWP’s decision is largely due to the Suburban Rail Loop (SRL) project and the future Precinct Structure Planning (PSP) proposed by the SRL Authority.  This is a disappointing decision and Council will advocate for the vision and strategic work for Box Hill that was developed by the community and Council to be included in the PSP process.

For further information please contact Council’s Strategic Planning Unit via or call 9262 6303.

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