If you have received a Council Planning, Environmental Health, Parking, Animal or Local Law fine there are several steps you should take before you consider appealing for Council to review the fine.

Step 1. Is this a Whitehorse City Council fine?
A Whitehorse City Council fine will have the Whitehorse City Council logo printed on it. If the fine does not have the Council logo, you should contact the organisation that issued the fine.
Step 2. Have you viewed the photos of your parking or Local Law fine?
Reviewing the fine photo evidence may help you decide if it is your fine and whether you should pay or would be successful if you appeal your fine. Online photos are only available for parking and Local Law fines.
If you feel that the photographs will not support an appeal application, you can pay your fine.
NOTE: There is no legislative requirement for Council Officers to take photographs when issuing a fine. If there are no photos related to your fine, you are still required to take action.
Step 3. Are you eligible for a fine review?
Under the Infringements Act 2006, only certain people are eligible to appeal to Council for a fine review.
Step 4. Do you meet the circumstances under which Council would consider a fine withdrawal?
Under the Infringements Act 2006, there are 5 conditions under which Council would consider withdrawing a fine. These are:
Reasons Council Parking Fines are unlikely to be considered for withdrawal
Reasons Other Council Fines are unlikely to be considered for withdrawal
Step 1. Prepare your fine appeal application
Please understand the points before making a fine appeal application.
- All reviews must be made in writing. We cannot review your fine over the phone or in person
- Under the Infringements Act 2006, you can request only one internal review of your fine
- Please have any supporting documentation you wish to provide ready before you start. Providing supporting documentation with your application will help Council to make a more timely and informed decision and Council will not have to ask you for more information
- The most efficient method to request a review is by choosing the online form option below
- Once you submit your application, your fine is placed "on hold" while the review is being carried out. You will be notified in writing once a decision is made. If you provided your email address, please regularly check for a message from Council in both your email inbox and junk email box.
NOTE: Under Part 6 Local Government Act 2020 and the Infringements Act 2006 Internal Review Guidelines, current and former Councillors are not allowed to influence a fine appeal decision.
Step 2. Submitting the Fine Review
Step 3. Council Assessment of a Fine Appeal Application
Council takes the following steps to review you fine appeal application:
- Your fine will be placed 'on hold' until a decision is made. You will not be required to pay the fine unless your fine review request is unsuccessful
- Your fine will be reviewed by Council Officers using the Infringements Act 2006 Internal Review Guidelines
When reviewing a fine, Council takes into account all available information, including:
- Information collected by the Council Officer who issued the fine, including any photographs
- The circumstances and any supporting documents provided by you or third parties in your application
- All requirements under the relevant legislation
- Whether the fine recipient has received prior warnings or fines for similar offences.
The fine review usually takes only a few weeks, but the process could take up to 90 days.
If we need to request more information from you and the requested information is not received within 28 days of the request date or a specified date, Council will make a decision based on the information it already has.
Once a decision has been made, you will be notified in writing by Council of the outcome to the email or postal address you provided. We may:
- Proceed with your fine
- Withdraw the fine
- Issue an official warning
- Refer the matter to the Magistrates’ Court of Victoria
NOTE: If your application has been unsuccessful and you do not pay the fine or if you do not tell us you want to go to Court by the due date, the fine will progress through the fine process and more costs may apply.