Petitions enable the community to bring matters of concern to the attention of Council via a formal request for Council to take action.

Valid petitions will be tabled at the next fixed Council meeting following the meeting at which they were presented, unless the matter is determined by Council to be urgent business.

In accordance with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic), personal information provided as part of the petition will only be used for the primary purpose for which it was provided – that is, for Council to consider the matter. No personal details of signatories will be made public at the Council meeting or recorded in meeting documentation.

Petitions must not be defamatory, indecent, abusive or objectionable in language or substance, and should not relate to a matter beyond the duties, functions and powers of Council. 

A valid petition must:

  • Be written (other than in pencil or erasable ink), typed or printed
  • Contain a request for Council to take a course of action
  • Include the full name, address and contact details of the head petitioner
  • Be signed by at least 12 people and include the full name and address of each signatory
  • Be signed by adult Victorian residents
  • Only be signed once by each individual
  • Not concern subject matter already answered

Please download the Petition Template ( DOCX 56.68KB) and ensure that the Guidelines for Petitions ( PDF 327.23KB) are adhered to prior to submission.

For further information, please contact the Governance team at or telephone (03) 9262 6578.