Fishing club's catch of the century

Whitehorse News - November 2023

There’s nowhere in Whitehorse for them to cast a line – but it hasn’t stopped a club of local fishing lovers from reaching an incredible milestone.

The Mitcham Angling Club is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year, and its members and supporters marked the occasion with a party at its Brunswick Road clubhouse on 15 October.

The club formed in 1923 and today still has more than 70 members, along with their extended families. They often go on fishing trips throughout Victoria, and the club also holds monthly meetings and barbeques along with guest speaker events.

Council has supported the club in recent years through our Community Grants program, after the club successfully applied for Small Equipment and Minor grants.

Along with assisting with overall promotion, the club has used the grants to buy tools to undertake maintenance on its clubhouse, and host mental health workshops for its members.

Council congratulates the club on its longevity and its contributors, past and present, for providing such a unique offering to our community.