More safety measures at Kerrimuir shops

Whitehorse News - July 2023

Safety bollards have been installed at the Kerrimuir shops to further protect shoppers and traders.

A handful of incidents have occurred at the shopping strip in recent years with drivers accidentally driving their cars over the kerb and footpath and into shopfronts.

Council already installed wheel stops in the centre’s parking spaces last year, and our transport team revisited the safety situation after another accident occurred at the shops in November 2022.

Following consultation with the impacted traders on their preferred treatment and positioning, five bollards and a bike hoop were installed near their businesses. Council funded these works at a cost of $25,000 through its Capital Works Program, and completed them after trading hours to minimise disruptions to traders and shoppers.

Elgar Ward Councillor Blair Barker said, “Extensive consultation around various design options with both the traders and community informed our final outcomes, and the new bike parking and some strategically placed bollards that integrate with the existing street furniture look great.”