Working for Whitehorse

Whitehorse News - May 2023

Meet Brittany, Council’s Strategic Communications Advisor, who works on Council communications and media relations.

Brittany has a background in communications in local government and volunteer communications in the not-for-profit sector.

“When I was younger I never saw myself doing communications, but it was a field I found myself very drawn to. In all my previous roles I happened to take on the communications tasks and soon realised that was what I wanted to specialise in. I think this comes from a deep need to ensure everyone has equal access to information.”

“Being able to work in communications and help the community at the same time is what makes this role truly enjoyable. Not only do I get to spend my day writing, it’s knowing that what I write makes a difference.”

A typical day for Brittany involves writing responses to media enquiries and creating engaging written content for multiple channels that educate, inform and spark change in the community. She also works collaboratively with her team on strategic communications initiatives.

Brittany is particularly passionate about writing in a way that is accessible and that advocates for our diverse community. 

“I believe words have the power to equalise or polarise. Having the unique opportunity to write in Council’s voice is a chance to advocate for our community. I write in plain English to ensure the 61% of Whitehorse residents born overseas have equal access to Council services and benefits"