Working for Whitehorse

Whitehorse News - July 2023

Meet John Nikas, Council’s Transport Coordinator, who has been working for almost two decades to make Whitehorse a better place for drivers, pedestrians, cyclists and commuters to get around.

John, who grew up in Forest Hill, studied Civil Engineering at Monash University in the 1990s. He initially worked in the private transport industry before he got his first local government job with Boroondara Council’s transport team in 2001.

Two years later, he made the move to Whitehorse as a Senior Transport Engineer, and since 2007 he’s been in his current role of Transport Coordinator managing a team of nine staff.

John said his team provides technical advice and responses to the community on traffic, parking and road safety matters throughout the municipality.

They also work closely with the community on developing transport projects, programs and events.

John said he had built many strong and lasting relationships with his fellow Council officers over the years and enjoyed engaging with the community and stakeholders through his role.

“Having grown up in the municipality, it is amazing how much the City of Whitehorse has changed with respect to transport,” John said.

“The transport industry has changed significantly. The decisions the team make don’t just consider cars and motorbikes, but walking, cycling and public transport as well”.

“Our role is to ensure that everyone has access to sustainable, convenient, accessible and safe transport options while enhancing the livability of the municipality.”