Councillors Role in Local Government

Local government is the level of government closest to the community; it creates the foundations for democracy and accountability. Local councils govern, provide services and advocate but most importantly, create opportunities for citizens to influence and participate in the democratic process and the decisions that shape our society and local communities.

Role of a Councillor

  • Achieving a balance in diversity of community views to develop an overall strategy for the future of the municipal district
  • Setting the objectives and determining strategies to achieve the council’s corporate objective identified in the Council Plan
  • Determining policy direction
  • Achieving sound financial management and accountability in relation to the council’s finances
  • Ensuring that appropriate mechanisms are in place to deal with the prompt handling of residents’ concerns
  • Promoting economic and social development in the best interests of the municipal district
  • Working with other governments and organisations to achieve benefits for the community at both a local and regional level
  • Monitoring the performance of the Council Plan and that of the council’s Chief Executive Officer
  • Having awareness of the statutory obligations imposed on Councillors and on the council

Councillors are also involved in:

  • Civic leadership
  • Supporting the community including advocate on behalf of community programs, needs and wellbeing
  • External relations – other governments, peak local government organisations, peak organisations from other interests, community groups and businesses
  • Policy and planning
  • Accountability and performance measurement

The last council election was held in October 2020 where councillors were elected for a four-year term.