Get started with food recycling

Invest in the circular economy with our food and garden organics service.

Council has introduced a limited-time new user offer on the lime green-lid food and garden organics bin to encourage more residents to divert their food waste from landfill.

Residents who are eligible for the service and opt-in for a lime green-lid bin for the first time can enjoy 30-40 per cent off the standard fee for a 140 or 240 litre food and garden organics bin.

Did you know that the average Whitehorse garbage bin contains approximately 48 per cent food waste?

When organic waste is sent to landfill, it needlessly takes up space and rots, producing a potent greenhouse gas called methane. This is why Council introduced our food and garden organics service, giving residents the ability to recycle their food waste.

“Landfill waste is a big issue for all levels of government. It is wonderful to see that our community is keen to reduce their waste, with so many households already taking part in this new service,” said Simpson Ward Cr Prue Cutts (pictured far right), who represents Council on the Environment and Sustainability Reference Group.

“We believe that the new user offer on the food and garden organics bin will encourage even more households in Whitehorse to be a part of this positive change.”

Cr Cutts, along with five other Whitehorse Councillors, recently visited Bio Gro’s organics processing facility to witness firsthand what happens to our recycled food waste.

“It was exciting to see the processes behind turning our food waste into high-quality compost and mulch, ready for a second life,” said Cr Cutts.

Image: Deputy Mayor Cr Denise Massoud, Mayor Cr Tina Liu, Cr Mark Lane, Cr Blair Barker, Cr Amanda McNeill and Cr Prue Cutts at the Bio Gro Facility in Dandenong.