Integrated Water Management on Development Sites

Pursuant to Amendment VC154 Stormwater Management and an update to the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) Victoria’s State Environment Protection Policy (Waters) in October 2018, Council requires a comprehensive assessment to address performance against Integrated Water Management (IWM) principles.

Principle Considerations
Volume Reduction
  • Address run-off at pre-development levels whereby post development is no more than pre-development annual average runoff volume (as per the Urban Stormwater Best Practice Environmental Management Guidelines (BPEMG) 1999 regarding flow, maintain discharges for the 1.5 year ARI at pre-development levels).
Peak Flow Discharge 
  • On-site detention via detention tanks, pits or pipes where required to Council’s satisfaction;
  • Permissible Site Discharge (L/min) (PSD) values; and
  • Location of Legal Point of Discharge (LPD).
Stormwater Quality
  • Pollution control through Water Sensitive Urban Design Measures (WSUD) including a combination of:
    • Rainwater tanks for retention/re-use purposes;
    • Permeable or porous paving; and
    • Raingardens or swales (considering also relative levels (RLs) stated on Development Plans)
  • Informed adherence to the Urban Stormwater Best Practice Environmental Management Guidelines (BPEMG) 1999 regarding pollutants) [noting that Melbourne Water’s STORM tool presents a limited depiction of a complete 100% STORM score outcome].
Rainwater Tank Overflow
  • Calculation of rainwater tank overflow that is either reduced through increased demand or treated through a secondary system prior to release to LPD in order to avoid undermining stormwater quality performance.
Rainwater Tank Reliability/Supply
  • End use demand met by the rainwater tank considering:
    • Rainwater tank size;
    • Roof catchment area (noting that if the entire roof area is connected to a rainwater tank, a charged piping system must be proposed and will be conditioned by Council); and
    • Connection to toilet flushing, laundry, irrigation, bin wash down or hot water systems where appropriate.
Potable Water Demand Reduction
  • Rainwater tank size;
  • Water efficient fixtures and fittings (i.e. Water Efficient Labelling and Standards (WELS)), particularly for:
    • Toilet flushing systems;
    • Taps; and
    • Showerheads


Council’s comments may constitute amending the proposed solution to best reflect Council’s IWM requirements and expectations.  Relevant requirements may be stated as planning permit conditions or otherwise to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority.

Please note: Addressing Council’s IWM requirements shall assist with supporting Council’s ESD Policy (Clause 22.10-2 Objectives) and Apartment Design Guidelines for Victoria 2017 [BADS] (Standards D13 and B39) requirements accordingly.

Planning Victoria DELWP also provide further information regarding VC154 Stormwater Management.