Early Years Excursions and Incursions

Our Early Learning Programs can be tailored to meet your excursion needs. 

Kinder and ELC groups often enjoy excursions to Yarran Dheran, Blackburn Lake Sanctuary or other suitable locations upon request.

A selection of these programs are suitable for an Incursion visit from an Environmental Education Officer. 

Early Learning Programs

  • Exploring the Bush – Using our Bush Senses to explore the bushland environment
  • Using our senses (sound, colour, texture, smell)
  • Habitats – Where do things live? Who lives where?
  • Caring for the bush – Acknowledgement of the Land, caring for our bush
  • Minibeasts – What are they and where to find them?
  • Seasons – What are the changes that occur in the bush? What effect do the seasons have on the bush?
  • Plants - Explore the different types of plants that we may find
  • Fungi – Explore the different types of Fungi that we may find (season dependent)
  • Birds - Explore the different birds that we may find, how do they communicate (bird calls)
  • Nocturnal Animals – What types of animals are active at night?
  • Lifecycles – Different life cycles of plants and animals
  • Wildflowers (season dependent) –
  • Explore the different types of wildflowers that grow in the bush Human Impact on the environment – Including Penny the Picnicker and Litter Avengers
  • Water Life – What are some of the animals and plants that live in the water? How are they suited to living there?
  • Water Cycle – Explore the water cycle and the effect it has on the bushland and city

Contact Enviro.Ed@Whitehorse.vic.gov.au for further information.