Eucalypts of Whitehorse

Eucalypts (often called Gum Trees) are commonly found in our parks, gardens and as street trees. There are over 700 species of Eucalypts in the world and while they vary enormously, they can be difficult to identify.

The Guide to the Eucalypts of Whitehorse and Surrounds ( PDF 8.41MB) uses a key, descriptions and images to help you identify those species commonly found in our area. It can be used in the field and relies on characteristics that are reasonably easy to observe, such as bark, buds, leaves and fruit (gum nuts).

The Guide uses botanical words to describe some features, such as the shape of the gum nuts. A glossary is included to help you understand them. 

The focus of The Guide is the indigenous and more common non-indigenous eucalypts in Whitehorse and surrounding areas. It does not attempt to include all the ornamental eucalypts found in private gardens. Hopefully you will become more familiar with the eucalypts you see around Whitehorse every day and enjoy them even more.

From time to time, we will host walks in our parklands to identify eucalypts. For further information please contact Council’s Tree Education Officer at