Community Satisfaction Survey

The Community Satisfaction Survey is an annual survey conducted by a market research company over the phone. 

The survey provides insights into how some of our services are performing in comparison to other councils in Victoria, identifying what we’re doing well and areas for further improvement. It’s important to note that not all service areas in Council are assessed in the survey.  

Read the 2024 Community Satisfaction Survey results

Your responses assist us in identifying the best ways to provide improvements or more effective service delivery to residents.

Surveyors may ask general demographic information but will not ask for your personal details. If you feel suspicious that someone might be impersonating a Council endorsed surveyor, please hang up and call Council on 9262 6333 immediately to verify.

Your details and individual responses are confidential and we appreciate you taking the time to assist us with your valuable feedback.


The survey is conducted by the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions on behalf of the City of Whitehorse where residents and ratepayers in the municipality over 18 years of age are selected at random. Your details and individual responses are confidential and only the overall results are shared with the City of Whitehorse.

The information provided from these surveys provide data to inform the Local Government Performance Reporting Framework (LGPRF) as well as providing information to assist Council to plan for current and future residents. We encourage everyone in the community to share their views about Council’s performance to help us improve and plan for the future.

Local Government Victoria’s annual Community Satisfaction Survey compiles community feedback on councils in five key performance areas:

  • council's overall performance
  • community consultation and engagement
  • advocacy – lobbying on behalf of the community
  • customer service
  • overall council direction

Current and past state wide Community Satisfaction Survey results can be viewed on the Local Government Victoria website

Surveys Results