Financial Plan 2021-2031

The Financial Plan 2021-2031 sets out a long-term view of the future resources and funding sources to deliver Council’s services, initiatives and capital works projects over the next 10 years.

The financial projections are based on a set of assumptions, decisions, strategies and other influencing factors and will be reviewed each year. 

The Plan is a balanced and financially responsible plan. It includes funding for a number of exciting new initiatives and projects over the coming years as well as the continuation of the delivery of a wide range of valued services to the community.

The Plan includes a large Capital Works Program and incorporates the first stages of Council’s new transformation program aiming to improve our performance into the future. 

Key highlights

Some of the key highlights from our Financial Plan include:

  • $2.37 billion operational budget for the continued delivery of a wide range of our services to the community over the next 10 years
  • $744 million capital works program to renew and improve Whitehorse community facilities and infrastructure 
  • Significant investment in transformation initiatives which aim to improve efficiencies and customer service experience, and ensure the long term financial sustainability of Council

Read the plan

Download the Financial Plan 2021-2031 ( PDF 3.45MB)

Printed copies of the Financial Plan are available on request. If you would like a printed copy please phone Council on 9262 6333 or email 


The Plan reflects what we heard from our community through a broad community engagement process. Thank you to everyone who completed our survey, attended a focus group or participated in the Shaping Whitehorse panel. More than 450 people contributed to the consultation process. 

Financial Plan 2021-2031