Whitehorse City Council provides free vaccinations against infectious diseases for children from 6 weeks to 19 years of age as part of the National Immunisation Program Schedule (NIP)
Free vaccinations we offer
As part of the NIP we offer free vaccinations to:
- Children up to 5 years of age
- Secondary school students in Year 7 and Year 10
- Catch-up vaccinations for anyone aged 0 - 19 years of age
- Whooping cough (Boostrix) vaccine for pregnant women
- Influenza for pregnant women, children under 5 years old and adults over 65 years of age
Paid vaccinations we offer
The following vaccines are available to purchase after online payment and booking has been made:
- Meningococcal B
- Chicken pox
- Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis for Adults
- HPV for over 25 year of age
Vaccines we do not offer
Please see your local GP, pharmacy or travel vaccination centre to receive the following vaccinations:
- Travel vaccines
- Shingles
- BCG - Tuberculosis
- COVID-19
- Influenza for children over 5 years of age and adults under 65 years of age
To find out more about our Public Immunisation Program, please contact our team on 9262 6197 or immunisation@whitehorse.vic.gov.au
Public Immunisation Program for 8 Week Olds
View a copy of the public immunisation program for 8 week olds video with Chinese subtitles.
Public Immunisation Program for Toddlers
View a copy of the public immunisation program for toddlers video with Chinese subtitles.

Online Booking
Make a booking for our Public Immunisation Program

Paid Vaccine
Make a payment for the below vaccines:
- Meningococcal B
- Chickenpox
- Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis for Adults
- HPV for over 25 year of age

Childhood National Immunisation Program Schedule
Check what vaccination your child is due under the National Immunisation Program (NIP)

Secondary School Program
Year 7 and Year 10 vaccinations under the National Immunisation program

Immunisation History Statements
How to access your child's immunisation statement via Australian Immunisation Register (AIR)

Missing Records, Overseas Immunisations and catch up schedules
For children who have not received all required immunisation that have had vaccinations overseas: find out more here