Whitehorse City Council values the important contribution of trees and vegetation in making the municipality a vibrant place to live, work and visit.
An 'Urban forest' includes trees, shrubs and groundcovers along with the soil and water they depend on within both public and private land. It provides several benefits including:
- Shading and cooling during summer
- Water retention reducing the risk of flooding
- Improved community connectedness and wellbeing
Urban Forest Strategy
Council’s endorsed Urban Forest Strategy sets out the actions we will take to increase tree canopy cover in Whitehorse.
Tree canopy cover is the amount of trees covering the ground when viewed from above. Reaching our targets and delivering on our actions involves working collectively throughout Council, with external organisations and alongside the community.
The strategy aims to achieve canopy cover of 30% in Whitehorse by 2050.
Vision and Objectives
The strategy’s vision is ‘a diverse, healthy and resilient urban forest’ and it outlines five key objectives:
- Protect the urban forest across private and public land
- Expand the urban forest and adapt to climate change
- Enhance biodiversity
- Build community capacity to learn from each other, protect and enhance the urban forest
- Build on Council's knowledge base
See what's happening to enhance and improve our urban forest
Our Urban Forest Dashboard
We’ve been working on an interactive dashboard to provide the community access to information on our trees. Visit the dashboard to find out more on the trees and works within the City of Whitehorse.
Successful Green Links Grant Funding
Three community volunteer groups have received approximately $150,000 funding towards their projects through the State Government’s Green Links grant program.
Integrated Water Management
Water plays an important role in Whitehorse. Finding smarter solutions to water conservation is essential as our climate changes and our population grows.
National Tree Day
Whitehorse City Council hosts National Tree Day each year with a community event to increase canopy cover and vegetation in our green corridors. See how you can get involved.
Environmental Volunteers
Our environmental volunteers need you! We have many Parkland Advisory Committees you can join in any capacity you choose.
Tell us about your favourite tree
We are collecting stories and images of trees that people love in Whitehorse.
From Tiny Seeds, Big Trees Grow
Read about how seeds were salvaged from rare trees to ensure their genetics were not lost. The seeds have been nurtured in the Council nursery for the last couple of years and have now been planted in several local parks.
City Nature Challenge 2024
For the 2024 City Nature Challenge we achieved 1,790 observations of 493 species between 60 observers. |
Thank you to everyone who took a picture, your efforts allow scientists to better support the biodiversity of our area.