Whitehorse City Council supports the rights, aspirations, health and wellbeing of residents regardless of sexuality or gender identity.
Council works towards equality for its lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer, asexual, agender, aromantic and questioning residents by supporting a number of initiatives.

Find a group or service for LGBTIQA+ young people
Search through the Rainbow Network directory to connect you with LGBTIQA+ groups and services all over Victoria.

Mental health support for LGBTIQA+ young people
Minus 18 offers mental health support by creating fun-filled spaces where LGBTQIA+ young people belong and are celebrated.

Writing Themselves In publications
Writing Themselves In is the largest national study series exploring the health and wellbeing of LGBTIQA+ young people in Australia.

More programs and services for young people
Find a range of programs and support for young people aged 12 – 25 and their families.

Rainbow Families and Playgroups
A new group commenced in Whitehorse in February 2023!

Support Groups & Safe Spaces
See this list of Support Groups & Safe Spaces for young LGBTIQA+ people aged 12 – 25 years developed by Q-East Alliance.

Parent/Carer Resources
See this resource list designed by Q- East Alliance for parents/carers of young LGBTIQA+ people aged 12 – 25 years.
For further information on LGBTIQA+ services in the Whitehorse area, please contact the Community Engagement and Development CDEnquiries@whitehorse.vic.gov.au