Lodge & Apply - Planning Permit Applications

Apply for a planning permit.

To learn more about an application type before you apply, click on 'find out more' below or click on 'checklist' to ensure you submit all required documentation.

Please note all applications require the payment of the application fee at the time of submission. 

If an application is for more than one class, please choose the most relevant application type available. Any additional fees will be invoiced and can be paid online.

Planning Permit Application

Application Type Description Apply
Advertising Sign Advertising Signage only. Find out more or view the checklist ( PDF 165.22KB). Apply online
Change or allow a new use of the land For use only planning applications such as New or Change of Use, request to waive/reduce carparking requirements, requests for a liquor licence. Apply online
Multiple Dwellings All unit development applications in residential zones. This includes the development of any dwelling on a site where a dwelling already exists. Find out more or view the checklist ( PDF 175.27KB). Apply online
Multiple Dwellings and Use All developments with a residential and commercial component. Find out more Apply online
Single Dwelling
  • Construction of or extension to a dwelling on a lot with an area less than 300 m2, or
  • Alteration to a dwelling in an Overlay (eg. Heritage Overlay, Significant Landscape Overlay, Special Building Overlay), or 
  • Vegetation removal/lopping or building within 4 metres of vegetation or
  • a Satellite Dish

Find out more or view the relevant checklist.

Apply online
Other Any other application type, including but not limited to, industrial and/or business zone related applications. Find out more  or view the relevant checklist. Apply online
VicSmart VicSmart Planning Application (other than tree removal). Find out more including the relevant checklist Apply online
VicSmart - one tree removal only

VicSmart Planning Application to remove, destroy or lop one (1) tree only.  

As of 28 October 2022 the State Government have advised only one (1) VicSmart permit approval for tree removal/lopping is allowed in any 12 month period per property.  Additional tree removal applications can still be lodged via the regular planning permit process eg. via single dwelling.  

Find out more or view the checklist ( PDF 474.09KB).

(If you wish to apply for one permit for multiple trees - apply under single dwelling)

Apply online

Visit Do I need a Permit? for more information about what permits you may need.

Amendment to a Planning Permit Application

Application Type Description Apply
S72 Amendment Amendment to change the statement of what the permit allows; or change any or all conditions (other than a permit to develop land or undertake development ancillary to the use of the land for a single dwelling per lot). Apply online
VicSmart S72 Amendment Amendment to approved VicSmart Planning Permit OR if otherwise advised by planner that the amendment proposal qualifies as a VicSmart S72 Amendment Apply online
S50, S50A or S57A Amend a planning permit prior to a decision being issued (under Section 50, 50A, 57 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987). A cover letter must be included that clearly outlines all changes being sought. Apply online
Secondary Consent For minor changes to endorsed plans only. If plans have not been endorsed a S72 amendment is required. Apply online
Condition 1 Plans Submission of Condition 1 plans (Application fee for re-submission of Condition 1 Plans will be invoiced to the applicant which can then be paid online.) Apply online
Extension of Time Apply for an extension of time to a planning permit Apply online
Removal of S173 Request a removal of a S173 Agreement from a title Apply online

Related Applications

Construction Management Plan Apply for endorsement of a Construction Management Plan. Find out more or view the checklist ( PDF 1.58MB). (If the documents are above 25MB please email the documents after you have lodged your application to customer.service@whitehorse.vic.gov.au) Apply online
Plant and Equipment Permit Apply for a permit to use a crane or placing plant and equipment on Council land. Find out more. Apply online
Out of Hours Permit Apply for a permit to undertake work outside of permitted hours. Find out more. Apply online

Related Request

Development Contribution Plan Request

Request for a Development Contribution Levy Invoice Apply online
Planning Compliance Inspection Request a Planning Compliance Inspection. All planning conditions must have been completed, and endorsed plans adhered to, including landscaping. Apply online