Electronic Waste (e-waste)

Electronic waste (e-waste) is any unwanted item with a plug, battery or cord.  As of 2019, the Victorian government banned these items from going to landfill, therefore they cannot go in your council kerbside collection bins.

E-waste is the fastest growing waste stream and in 2016, only 20% of e-waste was recycled.

  • 99% of your mobile phone can be recycled and re-used
  • Electronics contain hazardous materials including heavy metals like lead, mercury and cadmium CFCS and flame retardants that can cause environmental damage
  • E-waste has recoverable valuable materials, including tin, nickel, zinc, aluminium, copper, silver, gold and plastic.

What Can I Do With My E-waste?

While you can’t put your e-waste in your kerbside garbage bin, you can use any of the services outlined below to find a service to drop off your e-waste for recycling.

If you are unsure visit the RecycleMate website or download the app to search an e-waste item drop off location near you.